About Me

Thank you for your time, my name is Dayvid Jones. For most of my life I've been interested in building experiences that delight, entertain and enrich, and how mass communication shapes us and our society.

I have years of experience building casual games, serious games, kids content, and immersive apps. My games on AddictingGames have 10+ million plays.

I've taught VR and AR, OOP, storytelling, mobile development, UX, game development and game design to graduate students at the Academy of Art in San Francisco.

I'm a developer, a mentor, a project manager, managed small and medium sized teams. I've also been a producer, writer, prototyper, designer, and animator. I'm a leader, mentor and collaborator. I'm a huge creative and technical asset to any team.

Unity ARFoundation
ARCore Cloud Anchors
Unity VR (Meta, Steam and OpenVR)
AWS (S3 Bucket, Cognito, DynamoDB, SES)
ActionScript – PureMVC, Starling, Citrus, GreenSock, Away3D, IN2AR

Free HTML5 Bootstrap Template

This Is What I Love To Do


Using good code composition to build easy to use and extend tools. Recognizing strengths and managing team members. 


Discovering new tools and technology. Finding creative effective solutions. Finding innovative uses for discovered technology.


Leading by example and with integrity. Building strong teams that work hard. 


Development, UX, motion editing, feel, mentoring, managing and leading.